1) You are on a road which has speed humps. A driver in front is travelling slower than you. You should A - sound your horn B - overtake as soon as you can C - flash your headlights D - slow down and stay behind
2) You are sitting on a stationary motorcycle and checking your riding position. You should be able to A - just touch the ground with your toes B - place both feet on the ground C - operate the centre stand D - adjust your mirrors by stretching
3) The best place to park your motorcycle is A - on soft tarmac B - on bumpy ground C - on grass D - on firm, level ground
4) You should NOT look down at the front wheel when riding because it can A - make your steering lighter B - improve your balance C - use less fuel D - upset your balance
5) In normal riding your position on the road should be A - about a foot from the kerb B - about central in your lane C - on the right of your lane D - near the centre of the road
6) Areas reserved for trams may have 3 answers required A - metal studs around them B - white line markings C - zigzag markings D - a different coloured surface E - yellow hatch markings F - a different surface texture
7) Which THREE of these can cause skidding? 3 answers required A - Braking too gently B - Leaning too far over when cornering C - Staying upright when cornering D - Braking too hard E - Changing direction suddenly
8) It is very cold and the road looks wet. You cannot hear any road noise. You should 2 answers required A - continue riding at the same speed B - ride slower in as high a gear as possible C - ride in as low a gear as possible D - keep revving your engine E - slow down as there may be black ice
9) The road is wet. Why might a motorcyclist steer round drain covers on a bend? A - To avoid puncturing the tyres on the edge of the drain covers B - To prevent the motorcycle sliding on the metal drain covers C - To help judge the bend using the drain covers as marker points D - To avoid splashing pedestrians on the pavement
10) To stop your motorcycle quickly in an emergency you should apply A - the rear brake only B - the front brake only C - the front brake just before the rear D - the rear brake just before the front
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