1) You are carrying a child in your car. They are under three years of age. Which of these is a suitable restraint? A - A child seat B - An adult holding a child C - An adult seat belt D - An adult lap belt
2) You are towing a caravan along a motorway. The caravan begins to swerve from side to side. What should you do? A - Ease off the accelerator slowly B - Steer sharply from side to side C - Do an emergency stop D - Speed up very quickly
3) A trailer must stay securely hitched up to the towing vehicle. What additional safety device can be fitted to the trailer braking system? A - Stabiliser B - Jockey wheel C - Corner steadies D - Breakaway cable
4) You are towing a small trailer on a busy three-lane motorway. All the lanes are open. You must 2 answers required A - not exceed 60 mph B - not overtake C - have a stabiliser fitted D - use only the left and centre lanes
5) You wish to tow a trailer. Where would you find the maximum noseweight of your vehicle's tow ball? A - In the vehicle handbook B - In The Highway Code C - In your vehicle registration certificate D - In your licence documents
6) You are planning to tow a caravan. Which of these will mostly help to aid the vehicle handling? A - A jockey wheel fitted to the towbar B - Power steering fitted to the towing vehicle C - Anti-lock brakes fitted to the towing vehicle D - A stabiliser fitted to the towbar
7) Any load that is carried on a roof rack should be A - securely fastened when driving B - loaded towards the rear of the vehicle C - visible in your exterior mirror D - covered with plastic sheeting
8) Are passengers allowed to ride in a caravan that is being towed? A - Yes, if they are over fourteen B - No, not at any time C - Only if all the seats in the towing vehicle are full D - Only if a stabiliser is fitted
9) On which TWO occasions might you inflate your tyres to more than the recommended normal pressure? 2 answers required A - When the roads are slippery B - When driving fast for a long distance C - When the tyre tread is worn below 2mm D - When carrying a heavy load E - When the weather is cold F - When the vehicle is fitted with anti-lock brakes
10) Overloading your vehicle can seriously affect the 2 answers required A - gearbox B - steering C - handling D - battery life E - journey time
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