1) Before you leave your vehicle you must always A - empty the air tanks B - apply the parking brake C - adjust your mirrors D - switch on your hazard warning lights
2) You need to stop and get out of your vehicle. The parking brake should be used A - with the service brake B - only on uneven ground C - at all times when leaving the vehicle D - unless the vehicle is in gear
3) When should you use hazard warning lights? A - To warn other drivers that you are towing B - Approaching queuing traffic on a motorway C - When parked illegally on a busy road D - To thank a driver for giving way to you
4) Before leaving the cab you should make sure that 3 answers required A - you remove your tachograph chart B - the engine has stopped C - all warning lights are operating D - the parking brake is on E - all documents are safely stowed F - you will not endanger people when opening the door
5) Hazard warning lights may be used in which TWO of these situations? 2 answers required A - To thank a driver who has let you pull in after overtaking B - As a warning to drivers that you are towing another vehicle C - To show your intention to go ahead at a junction when your position might suggest otherwise D - When driving on motorways or dual carriageways to warn drivers behind you of a hazard ahead E - When your vehicle has stopped to warn others of an obstruction
6) When lifting a heavy box or suitcase manually, what should you try to do? A - Lift and twist together B - Look down all the time C - Lean sideways and lift D - Look ahead when the load is secure
7) Before leaving your vehicle cab you should make sure that 2 answers required A - your seat is correctly adjusted B - the ignition system is switched on C - the engine has stopped D - the keys are in the starter switch E - the parking brake is on
8) Before leaving your vehicle cab you should make sure that 3 answers required A - the engine is running smoothly B - the engine has stopped C - the parking brake is on D - you have removed your personal things E - the ignition system is switched off
9) As a driver you should use your mirrors 2 answers required A - as you signal B - to check the blind spot C - when driving along D - before opening your door
10) You are lifting a heavy object. Which THREE things should you do? 3 answers required A - Adopt a stable position B - Get a good hold on the object C - Move smoothly D - Twist your back E - Lean sideways F - Keep your legs straight
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