1) Anti-lock brakes can greatly assist with A - a higher cruising speed B - steering control when braking C - control when accelerating D - motorway driving
2) You're towing a small trailer on a busy three-lane motorway. All the lanes are open. You must A - not exceed 50 mph B - not overtake C - have a stabiliser fitted D - use only the left and centre lanes
3) What does this sign mean? A - Uneven road surface B - Bridge over the road C - Road ahead ends D - Water across the road
4) You are following two cyclists. They approach a roundabout in the left-hand lane. In which direction should you expect the cyclists to go? A - Left B - Right C - Any direction D - Straight ahead
5) Which THREE of these do you need before you can use a vehicle on the road legally? 3 answers required A - A valid driving licence B - A valid vehicle tax C - Proof of your identity D - Proper insurance cover E - Breakdown cover F - A vehicle handbook
6) You must have valid insurance before you can A - make a SORN declaration B - buy or sell a vehicle C - apply for a driving licence D - apply for Vehicle tax (Road Tax)
7) You have just passed your test. How can you reduce your risk of being involved in a collision? A - By always staying close to the vehicle in front B - By never going over 40 mph C - By staying only in the left-hand lane on all roads D - By taking further training
8) How will a school crossing patrol signal you to stop? A - By pointing to children on the opposite pavement B - By displaying a red light C - By displaying a stop sign D - By giving you an arm signal
9) You have to park on the road in fog. You should A - leave sidelights on B - leave dipped headlights and fog lights on C - leave dipped headlights on D - leave main beam headlights on
10) You are approaching a red light at a puffin crossing. Pedestrians are on the crossing. The red light will stay on until:- A - you start to edge forward on to the crossing B - the pedestrians have reached a safe position C - the pedestrians are clear of the front of your motorcycle D - a driver from the opposite direction reaches the crossing
11) On which THREE occasions MUST you stop your vehicle? 3 answers required A - When in an incident where damage or injury is caused B - At a red traffic light C - When signalled to do so by a police or traffic officer D - At a junction with double broken white lines E - At a pelican crossing when the amber light is flashing and no pedestrians are crossing
12) When should you use hazard warning lights? A - When you slow down quickly on a motorway because of a hazard ahead B - When you leave your car at the roadside to visit a shop C - When you wish to stop on double yellow lines D - When you need to park on the pavement
13) What does this sign mean? A - Service area 30 miles ahead B - Maximum speed 30 mph C - Minimum speed 30 mph D - Lay-by 30 miles ahead
14) You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. A car fills the gap. You should A - sound your horn B - drop back further C - flash your headlights D - start to overtake
15) A police officer asks to see your documents. You do not have them with you. You may be asked to take them to a police station within A - 5 days B - 7 days C - 14 days D - 21 days
16) You are on a motorway at night. You MUST have your headlights switched on unless A - there are vehicles close in front of you B - you are travelling below 50 mph C - the motorway is lit D - your vehicle is broken down on the hard shoulder
17) You are on a dual carriageway. Ahead you see a vehicle with an amber flashing light. What could this be? A - An ambulance B - A fire engine C - A doctor on call D - A disabled person's vehicle
18) Young, inexperienced and newly qualified drivers can often be involved in crashes. This is due to A - being too cautious at junctions B - driving in the middle of their lane C - showing off and being competitive D - staying within the speed limit
19) Which FOUR of these must NOT use motorways? 4 answers required A - Learner car drivers B - Motorcycles over 50cc C - Double-deck buses D - Farm tractors E - Horse riders F - Cyclists
20) The fluid level in your battery is low. What should you top it up with? A - Battery acid B - Distilled water C - Engine oil D - Engine coolant
21) You are overtaking a motorcyclist in strong winds. What should you do? A - Allow extra room B - Give a thank you wave C - Move back early D - Sound your horn
22) You intend to turn right into a side road. Just before turning you should check for motorcyclists who might be A - overtaking on your left B - following you closely C - emerging from the side road D - overtaking on your right
23) When joining a motorway you must always A - use the hard shoulder B - stop at the end of the acceleration lane C - come to a stop before joining the motorway D - give way to traffic already on the motorway
24) You are on a road that has no traffic signs. There are street lights. What is the speed limit? A - 20 mph B - 30 mph C - 40 mph D - 60 mph
25) What does this temporary sign mean for drivers of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass? A - Use either the left-hand or middle lane B - Use only the left-hand lane C - Use only the middle lane D - Use any lane
26) You are towing a small trailer on a busy three-lane motorway. All the lanes are open. You must 2 answers required A - not exceed 60 mph B - not overtake C - have a stabiliser fitted D - use only the left and centre lanes
27) Your motor insurance policy has an excess of £100. What does this mean? A - The insurance company will pay the first £100 of any claim B - You will be paid £100 if you do not have a crash C - Your vehicle is insured for a value of £100 if it is stolen D - You will have to pay the first £100 of any claim
28) Before overtaking a large vehicle you should keep well back. Why is this? A - To give acceleration space to overtake quickly on blind bends B - To get the best view of the road ahead C - To leave a gap in case the vehicle stops and rolls back D - To offer other drivers a safe gap if they want to overtake you
29) What does this sign mean? A - Waiting restrictions apply B - Waiting permitted C - National speed limit applies D - Clearway (no stopping)
30) Where can you find reflective amber studs on a motorway? A - Separating the slip road from the motorway B - On the left-hand edge of the road C - On the right-hand edge of the road D - Separating the lanes
31) A single carriageway road has this sign. What is the maximum permitted speed for a car towing a trailer? A - 30 mph B - 40 mph C - 50 mph D - 60 mph
32) You are approaching a busy junction. There are several lanes with road markings. At the last moment you realise that you are in the wrong lane. You should A - continue in that lane B - force your way across C - stop until the area has cleared D - use clear arm signals to cut across
33) You have been driving in thick fog which has now cleared. You must switch OFF your rear fog lights because A - they use a lot of power from the battery B - they make your brake lights less clear C - they will cause dazzle in your rear view mirrors D - they may not be properly adjusted
34) You think the driver of the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator. You should A - flash your lights to alert the driver B - sound your horn before overtaking C - overtake on the left if there is room D - stay behind and not overtake
35) A trailer must stay securely hitched up to the towing vehicle. What additional safety device can be fitted to the trailer braking system? A - Stabiliser B - Jockey wheel C - Corner steadies D - Breakaway cable
36) Powered vehicles, such as wheelchairs or scooters, used by disabled people have a maximum speed of A - 8 mph B - 12 mph C - 16 mph D - 20 mph
37) You are about to reverse into a side road. A pedestrian wishes to cross behind you. You should A - wave to the pedestrian to stop B - give way to the pedestrian C - wave to the pedestrian to cross D - reverse before the pedestrian starts to cross
38) You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. A car fills the gap. You should A - sound your horn B - drop back further C - flash your headlights D - start to overtake
39) There has been a collision. A driver is suffering from shock. What TWO of these should you do? 2 answers required A - Give them a drink B - Reassure them C - Not leave them alone D - Offer them a cigarette E - Ask who caused the incident
40) When should you stop on a motorway? 3 answers required A - If you have to read a map B - When you are tired and need a rest C - If red lights show above every lane D - When told to by the police E - If your mobile phone rings F - When signalled by a Highways Agency Traffic Officer
41) After passing your driving test, you suffer from ill health. This affects your driving. You MUST A - inform your local police station B - avoid using motorways C - always drive accompanied D - inform the licensing authority
42) What does this sign mean? A - Humpback bridge B - Humps in the road C - Entrance to tunnel D - Soft verges
43) You are driving down a long steep hill. You suddenly notice your brakes are not working as well as normal. What is the usual cause of this? A - The brakes overheating B - Air in the brake fluid C - Oil on the brakes D - Badly adjusted brakes
44) You have stopped at the scene of an incident where there are casualties. What should you do to help while waiting for the emergency services to arrive? A - Keep injured people warm and comfortable B - Clear debris from the road C - Keep injured people on the move by walking them around D - Give injured people a warm drink
45) Which of the following may cause loss of concentration on a long journey? 4 answers required A - Loud music B - Arguing with a passenger C - Using a mobile phone D - Putting in a cassette tape E - Stopping regularly to rest F - Pulling up to tune the radio
46) You are turning left into a side road. What hazards should you be especially aware of? A - One way street B - Pedestrians C - Traffic congestion D - Parked vehicles
47) At night you see a pedestrian wearing reflective clothing and carrying a bright red light. What does this mean? A - You are approaching roadworks B - You are approaching an organised walk C - You are approaching a slow-moving vehicle D - You are approaching a traffic danger spot
48) You MUST obey signs giving orders. These signs are mostly in A - green rectangles B - red triangles C - blue rectangles D - red circles
49) On a three-lane dual carriageway the righthand lane can be used for A - overtaking only, never turning right B - overtaking or turning right C - fast-moving traffic only D - turning right only, never overtaking
50) What does this sign mean? A - No overtaking B - No motor vehicles C - Clearway (no stopping) D - Cars and motorcycles only
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