1) What does this motorway sign mean? A - 11 tonnes weight limit B - Stop all lanes ahead closed C - Leave the motorway at the next exit D - Lane ahead closed
2) What does this sign mean? A - Move into one lane B - Road narrows on both sides C - Dual carriageway ends D - One way traffic straight ahead
3) What does this sign mean? A - Swing bridge ahead B - Quayside or river bank C - Soft verges D - Slippery road
4) What does this sign mean? A - Minimum speed limit B - No stopping C - End of 20 mph zone D - Entry to 20 mph zone
5) What does this sign mean? A - Keep in single file B - Queues likely C - Keep your distance D - Car park
6) What does this traffic sign mean? A - Broken down lorry B - Adverse camber C - Uneven road D - Risk of grounding
7) What does this sign mean? A - No entry for two-axled trailers B - No entry for vehicles with two-speed axles C - Maximum gross weight of 2 tonnes D - Axle weight limit of 2 tonnes
8) What does this sign show? A - Use the nearside (left) lane B - Roundabout ahead C - Special diversion route D - Diversion route to the football ground
9) Where would you see this road sign? A - On a Ring road B - On a Motorway C - Approaching a Roundabout D - In a Car Park
10) What does this sign mean? A - Mini roundabout B - Circular route C - Ring Road D - Link road
11) What does this sign mean? A - The width of the road is 6 feet 6 inches (2 metres) B - No vehicles over 6 feet 6 inches (2 metres) wide C - No vehicles over 6 feet 6 inches (2 metres) high D - Trailer length must not exceed 6 feet 6 inches (2 metres)
12) What does this sign mean? A - No Road Marking B - No Entry C - No Through Road D - No Parking
13) What does this sign mean? A - No waiting B - No stopping C - Traffic signals not in use D - Level crossing
14) What does this sign mean? A - Slippery road B - Swing bridge ahead C - Accident spot ahead D - Quayside or river bank
15) What does this sign mean? A - Slippery road B - Double bend C - Overhead electrified cable D - Cable laying ahead
16) What does this sign mean? A - Trams only B - Oncoming trams C - No trams ahead D - Trams crossing ahead
17) Where would you find this sign? A - At an unmarked junction B - At the start of the motorway C - At the entrance to a car park D - At a railway crossing
18) What does this sign mean? A - No overtaking B - No motor vehicles C - Clearway (no stopping) D - Cars and motorcycles only
19) What does this sign mean? A - Water across the road B - Bridge over the road C - Uneven road D - Ford factory ahead
20) What shape is a STOP sign? A - Circular B - Triangular C - Inverted triangle D - Octagonal
21) What does this motorway sign mean? A - 11 ton weight limit B - Through traffic use left lane C - Right-hand lane closed ahead D - Right-lane T junction only
22) Signs giving orders are usually: - A - Round B - Triangular C - Rectangular D - Blue
23) What is the meaning of this traffic sign? A - End of two-way road B - Give priority to vehicles coming towards you C - You have priority over vehicles coming towards you D - Bus lane ahead
24) What does this sign mean? A - Cyclists and pedestrians in the road ahead B - Segregated pedal cycle and pedestrian route C - Cycle route ahead D - No entry to cyclists and pedestrians
25) What does this sign mean? A - Low bridge ahead B - Railway tunnel ahead C - Tunnel ahead D - Accident spot ahead
26) What does this sign mean? A - You have right of way B - No overtaking C - Smaller vehicles keep left D - Oncoming traffic has priority
27) What does this sign mean? A - No stopping (Clearway) B - No waiting C - National speed limit applies D - No entry
28) You are driving along the motorway in the inside lane. You intend to turn left at the next available exit. When should you signal left? A - At the third count-down marker (100 yds to go) B - At the second count-down marker (200 yds to go) C - At the first count-down marker (300 yds to go) D - When you have reached the slip road
29) What does this sign mean? A - Give way to traffic from the opposite direction B - You're entering a one-way street C - Two-way traffic ahead D - You have priority over vehicles from the opposite direction
30) What does this road sign mean? A - No goods vehicles under 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass B - No goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass C - No goods vehicles over 7.5 metres overall height D - No goods vehicles under 7.5 metres overall height
31) What colour backgrounds do Motorway signs show? A - yellow B - green C - blue D - brown
32) What does this motorway sign show? A - Low-flying aircraft or sudden noise B - Stop on the hard shoulder C - Use the nearside lane D - Leave the motorway at the next exit
33) Which type of vehicle does this sign apply to? A - Long vehicles B - High vehicles C - Heavy vehicles D - Wide vehicles
34) What does this sign mean? A - You are entering a one-way street B - You have priority over oncoming vehicles C - Motorway ahead D - Lane for heavy and slow vehicles
35) What does these 2 lines painted on the kerb mean? A - Parking allowed at certain times B - Loading allowed at certain times C - No loading D - No parking
36) What does this sign mean? A - Lay-by 30 miles ahead B - Minimum speed 30 mph C - Maximum speed 30 mph D - Service area 30 miles ahead
37) What shape is a ROUNDABOUT sign? A - Circular B - Octagonal C - Inverted triangle D - Triangular
38) What does this sign mean? A - Beware tram rails B - Level crossing ahead C - Beware overhead cables D - Trams crossing ahead
39) If you see this sign at a crossroads and you are going straight on, what should you do? A - maintain the same speed and drive through B - carry on with great care C - find another route D - do a 'U' turn
40) What does this sign mean? A - Uneven road B - Soft verges C - Humps D - Tunnel
41) What does this sign mean? A - Loose chippings B - Accident spot C - Uphill gradient D - Downhill gradient
42) What does this sign mean? A - Pedestrians in the road ahead B - Children crossing ahead C - School crossing ahead D - Pedestrian crossing ahead
43) What does this temporary sign mean for drivers of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass? A - Use either the left-hand or middle lane B - Use only the left-hand lane C - Use only the middle lane D - Use any lane
44) What does this sign mean? A - Service Area Ahead B - Road Noise C - Slippery Road Ahead D - Danger Ahead
45) What does this sign mean? A - No double parking B - No stopping C - No-overtaking D - One-way street
46) Where are you most likely to see this sign? A - On a slip road on a motorway B - In a motorway service area C - On the motorway hard shoulder D - Under a motorway bridge
47) Usually, on a motorway, how far from the exit is the first sign showing the junction number? A - Half a mile B - One mile C - Two miles D - Three miles
48) What does this sign mean? A - Parking for military vehicles B - Oncoming military vehicles C - Slow moving military vehicles likely to be crossing or in road ahead D - Tanks only
49) What does this motorway sign mean? A - Proceed with caution B - Do not proceed further in this lane C - Change lane D - The motorway is closed ahead. Turn off at the next exit
50) What does this sign mean? A - Give way to vehicles on the right and left B - Traffic passes on both sides C - Turn off at the next junction on the motorway D - Pass either side to get to the same destination
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